Core Services
Welcome to Fourier Automation

Thank you for visiting our website. Due to very exciting recent developments, Fourier Automation will exist in "demo mode" for the foreseable future -- we won't be actively seeking commercial work, but will be open to pro bono projects related to robotics, econometrics, and machine learning.

As of May, 2022, our Principal, David Ferreira, has accepted a role at Lockheed Martin Space working on embedded systems on the Orion Spacecraft.

Last updated May 23, 2022

Core Services
Our Value Proposition

In the future, our aim will be to increase your team's productivity with respect to Econometric and Machine Learning workflows.

We can streamline your team's econometric, machine learning, and data science pipelines with automation -- from data collection through testing and deployment.

We can also help you construct and optimize econometric and machine learning models, including time series forecasting, demand curve estimation, consumer sentiment analysis, causality estimation, etc.

We would also love to help you implement automated / robotic solutions in aerospace.

Last updated May 23, 2022

Demos & Blog
Selections From Our Blog

A selection of our blog and demos.

Last updated May 23, 2022

Demos & Blog
About Fourier

Fourier Automation was established by David Ferreira in 2022. Dave is a 25-yr veteran of the software industry and a masters student at West Texas A&M University where he studies Economics with a focus on Econometrics and Machine Learning. Click to read more and find Dave's resumé.

Last updated May 23, 2022